Friday, 11 February 2011

Thought for the Day

I rarely wear skirts. My daughter is just the same. I’ll try to convince her to wear a skirt, or a dress, and she’ll look at me say, ‘Why? You don’t.’ - Emmanuelle Alt

Recently, all my outfits have been based around the trousers I'm wearing. Navy chords with ankle zips and leather detailing, snapped up in the Cos sale for a mere €45. It's got me thinking, are you a more of a trousers girl or a skirt kind of girl?


  1. I tend to wear mostly pants, but I like wearing skirt or dresses occasionally, so I guess I'm both!

  2. I enjoy wearing skirts, but I love wearing trousers!

  3. My style is often more practical than chic. I go through phases that are more or less determined by the weather. When it's cold, I tend to wear more skirts/dresses with thick tights and boots. I switch to jeans and trousers when it's warm enough to bear my ankles and wear them cuffed.

  4. Haha, nice quote from Emmanuelle, I think her daughter will have the same great taste as her mother eventually!

    Though I haven't found the perfect pair of trousers yet and the fact that skirts are more flattering to my body, I think I have a good balance between wearing skirts or trousers.

  5. I am definitely a trousers girl. Maybe it was all those years hanging out with boys in engineering school... I don't know. Or more plausibly it's because I'm short and it's easier to "fake height" with pants. It could also be all those years of riding in dirty subways - much more comforting to wear pants than a flimsy skirt!

    I do wear a lot of skirts and dresses in the summer though, because the humidity and heat can be brutal here on the East Coast.

  6. I think I'm more of a skirt person. I don't like cute/girly skirts though. I hardly ever wear skirts in another colour than black. Same goes for trousers actually. :p

  7. I love pants but I'm obsessive about having them perfectly pressed! Emmanuelle is so loyal to her own sense of style, I like that she almost has a fashion week 'uniform' of skinny jeans, t-shirt and a blazer.

  8. i am, hands down, a trousers girl. i went through a phase several years ago when i got a bunch of dresses and skirts to try to get out of that habit and dress more 'feminine', but ended up selling most of those purchases. now i just have a few dresses for occasions, and stick to my pants/jeans/trousers the other 95% of the time :)

  9. those cords sound nice. i've definitely a trouser girl. i've been attracted to skirts and own a couple, and i find i never wear them, maybe just once a month. i've resolved to stop buying them...haven't bought one since 2009.

  10. I am definitely a trouser girl.I wear dresses or skirts very ocassionally ( twice a year maybe hahha).

    Btw this woman is such an inspiration.Theres is something I have just found about her. She is half Ukrainian ( father) and half French (mother)

  11. well that breaks my heart...not that i think skirts/dresses would suit alt...

    but dresses are the light of my life!

    though i suppose i've sworn off pants in the same way

  12. I adore your blog - and love this picture!!

    I'm following you!


  13. I wish I was more a trouser and skirt girl, but I always end up a jeans girl! I wear dresses pretty often, but I never use my skirts. I probably haven't found the perfect one. Thanks for an inspirational blog! /Sara

  14. Jeans only? Me too. I live in black skinny high-waisted jeans; straight down raw waxed darkest indigo wide leg jeans; grey Chloe motorcycle jeans and I just bought a pair of red APC cords - but they're definitely a jean not a trouser style. I love trousers on the catwalk and on other people. Why can't I do them? One day I'll grow up enough to wear trousers. But when?
    (I also have 2 skirts: both mini but usually worn soberly with thick tights. Couldn't wear any other style.)
